Maritime Accidents and Offshore Injury Lawyer

Maritime Accidents and Offshore Injury Lawyer Offshore work is a dangerous line of work that oftentimes leaves the ship’s crew out alone at the mercy of both the weather and the waves. A boating accident far from land is an incredibly difficult situation that can easily lead to death of the entire crew.

If you are injured on commercially navigable waters or you are injured during your employment aboard a commercial vessel or as a harbor worker, your claim likely will be a maritime injury claim. This type of law is highly specialized and you should make sure to choose an attorney with knowledge and experience with maritime injury claims.

As an offshore worker, construction worker or individual who has suffered an injury on the high seas, in a harbor or an inland waterway due to negligence, you have the right to claim compensation.

But these claims often involve complex issues of causation, liability and insurance coverage. Without an experienced maritime attorney on your side, you may not get the medical care you need to recover to the fullest extent possible.

Contact the Norman Jolly Law Firm Today

Here at the law offices of Norman Jolly we represent members of the crew who were either injured or the family of those who are killed in an offshore accident. We diligently pursue every available option in an effort to secure the most favorable possible outcome on your behalf.

If you and your crew were seriously injured or have lost a loved one in a maritime accident, contact us for a free case evaluation (713) 237-8383.